Prepare tool for website.
-Github:Our website will be placed here.
-GitHub Desktop: Used for cloning libraries and uploading local files.
-Figma:Used to design web page layout.
-Visual Studio Code:Used to write website code.
Step one:Create a new repository on GitHub to host your website.
1.Create a public repository where you can collaborate with your team to create web content.
2.Name your repository, choose whether it's public or private. Add a README file to share your information, then click the "create repository" button.
4. Wait for Github to search and create pages, and once all projects are completed, the website will be initially established.
5.If you want to invite team members,click on "Settings", find "Collaborators" on the left, then click "Add people", enter their email addresses, and set their role (maintainer).
Step two:Clone the repository to GitHub.
Click on "Add", "Clone a resource", find the repository you want to clone. Finally, click "Clone".
Step three:Design website layout with your team in Figma.
1.Create a new design file in Figma, where you can see many tools that can help you build and beautify the appearance of your website.
3.Before starting the design, it is best for us to consider and standardize the font and font size used, in order to facilitate uniformity and overall design.
4.Create a 1920 * 1200 Frame in the picture and fill it with a black background.
5. Use H3 Heading to create the first text logo: Mars.
6. Create the text for the other four navigation items and use the UI label regular text style. After selecting all items, press "Shift"+"A" on the keyboard to add Auto layout, adjust the corresponding parameters to arrange them neatly.
7. Select Mars and the other four options at the same time, and press "Shift"+"A" to add Auto layout.
8.Adjust the parameters in the Auto layout and center the frame.
9. Create an outer frame, select the entire frame, add Auto layout again, add left and right margins and strokes, select colors and transparency, and make the four corners rounded.
10. Use standardized text to create titles and main text, and layout them clearly.
11. Create a button: First, use the standardized text style to create the button text. Select the text, add Auto layout, add margins and button colors, and adjust the four corners to be more rounded.
12. Create a simple background color pattern, create a new prototype, and add different transition colors. Place this pattern at the bottom.
13.After you complete the webpage layout, we will use the plugin "AutoHtml" in Figma to help us compile the code.
14.Select the webpage code you need and click to download the corresponding compressed file to decompress it.
1.Check in and unzip the folder using Visual Studio Code.
2.In Visual Studio Code, you can see the complete code of the project, including HTML, CSS, and images. You can achieve webpage redirection and website beautification by modifying the code.
3. Paste all modified files into the local GitHub library.
4. Open Github Desktop, open the corresponding project, enter the content you want to publish in the bottom left corner, and click commit to main. Finally, click on Push Origin and upload it to the Github cloud.
5. Open Github on the web page, find the corresponding project, and wait for the project data to be uploaded and loaded successfully.
6. Find Pages in Setting, where you can access your website and check for any issues.
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                        <!DOCTYPE html>
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                        <br />
                                <div class="frame-12">
                        <br />
                                    <div class="frame-9">
                        <br />
                                        <div class="h-1-heading">Discover</div>
                        <br />
                        <br />
                                    <div class="frame-11">
                        <br />
                                        <div class="frame-10">
                        <br />
                                            <div class="h-1-heading2">Imagination without Limited</div>
                        <br />
                                            <div class="paragraph-text">
                        <br />
                                                It may be interpreted as a place that goes beyond traditional gallery
                        <br />
                                                concepts, showcasing unique, innovative, or futuristic works.
                        <br />
                        <br />
                        <br />
                                        <div class="primary-button">
                        <br />
                                            <div class="about-us">About us</div>
                        <br />
                        <br />
                        <br />
                        <br />
                                <div class="frame-7">
                        <br />
                                    <div class="frame-6">
                        <br />
                                        <div class="mars">Mars</div>
                        <br />
                                        <div class="frame-5">
                        <br />
                                            <div class="about-us2">About us</div>
                        <br />
                                            <div class="previous-projects">Previous projects</div>
                        <br />
                                            <div class="team-members">Team members</div>
                        <br />
                                            <div class="final-project">Final project</div>
                        <br />
                        <br />
                        <br />
                        <br />
                                <div class="line-2"></div>
                        <br />
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Focus on the public's mental health issues
*Our SDG theme-good health and well-being
*Project Concept
With the rise of self-media and the emergence of rolling media, the spread of information has become more subjective, and various values ​​and ideas are flooding the entire network, making it difficult for everyone to distinguish between right and wrong. In addition, the current social situation of accelerated pace of life has made everyone "scroll" the media faster and faster, and sometimes they unconsciously acquiesce to online violence and various negative thoughts. When you browse this information, you think you can control your own thoughts, but in fact, you can't escape it anyway and will inevitably be affected by it.
We hope everyone can get out of this infinite scrolling.
*Interaction Effects
Through touch screen interaction, users stand in front of our touch screen and control the changes of screen content with their fingers, similar to swiping video comments. The speed at which information appears on the screen accumulates over time. All negative information will be accumulated in the container behind the device in the form of black balls. After a certain number of balls in the screen container, the balls will be ejected to display all the negative information the user has seen during this process.
*Equipment and technical implementation
Through touch screen interaction, users stand in front of our touch screen and control the changes of screen content with their fingers, similar to swiping video comments. The speed at which information appears on the screen accumulates over time. All negative information will be accumulated in the container behind the device in the form of black balls. After a certain number of balls in the screen container, the balls will be ejected to display all the negative information the user has seen during this process.
*Target population
Through touch screen interaction, users stand in front of our touch screen and control the changes of screen content with their fingers, similar to swiping video comments. The speed at which information appears on the screen accumulates over time. All negative information will be accumulated in the container behind the device in the form of black balls. After a certain number of balls in the screen container, the balls will be ejected to display all the negative information the user has seen during this process.